Tonight's meeting was packed full of lots of discussion! Thank you all to who were able to come out! We had 13 public comments most of which centered on concerns with Riverside RV Park.
•UDOT Presentation: He discussed future possible plans for the 89/84 corridor. This was just a study only. Currently there are not funds available for this project. However, the mayor reported that she has been in contact with legislators to try and get funding for this project within this year. This interchange has a lot of challenges. This {pretty cool} website will show you a rendering of some plans, both long term and short term. The most popular/viable/easiest to fund method for the long term is the Center Bypass and the SPUI for short term. A SPUI is similar to the I84 on ramp in Riverdale.
•Riverside RV Park CUP and Development Agreement: There was much discussion on this. A lot of questions asked by the public were posed and answered. The boundary concerns are enough that the CUP was tabled until Feb 11th, where it is hoped an official decision from the proper entity will be made. The development agreement will also be reviewed on the 11th pending the boundary concern has been properly addressed.
•Parks Priority Projects: The parks committee has been reviewing and gathering information based on results from a 2018 survey sent out to the citizens about potential parks projects. After reviewing many different projects, the committee has determined what they feel are the top priority projects. These funds - minus the wetlands restoration - will be used with impact fees that the city has acquired for the specific use of upgrades to parks. You can see a list of the priority projects, as well as other possible future projects below.
•Snow Plow Policy: Public Works Department Head Mark Larsen was present to go over the new snow plow policy. He said the policy is more a set of guidelines for the fact that every storm is different. Depending on how long the storm will last and how heavy it will be may alter the policy slightly. For example, it wouldn't be worth it to plow a small storm on non-priority roads if it will melt the next day because of the hardship on the plow blades. Similarly, if a storm continues throughout the day, they may spend priority time on the main roads only to save on resources of drivers and spread out to other roads once the storm quits. Keeping items off the roads (garbage cans, vehicles) really helps out the drivers a lot. Of course, as a reminder, no one should be parking on the street per city code from November to March.
•New Business: There was an inquiry on how to better get information out to the public concerning public notices and expanding from the current 300' of neighbors surrounding it. Also there was a reminder to bring the red striping policy that was discussed in the public safety meeting to come before the council. City Reporter Lisa Smith said every public notice must be posted on the Utah Public Notice website. She recommended can sign up and get an email notification anytime a public notice is submitted for our city.
•Mayor Jo: Met with Senator Stuart Adams and Brian Bean and neighbors about HB0253 and short term rentals. They are looking into amending the bill to better protect surrounding residents. She also reported there was a lot of committee meetings this past week and that a committee meeting to discuss the shared water line with Uintah will be on the 11th next month.
•Councilmember Halverson: The Public Safety Committee met with the fire department and discussed goals and an emergency preparedness plan, hazard mitigation and paramedic changes for the city.
•Council Member Alberts (Can I just say me? Weird to speak in 3rd person right?): We have a new committee - the public relations committee which will include myself and Council Member Petty. We met last week and discussed goals and ideas to better involved and inform the public. Staff was directed to look into options for live streaming meetings. Also, the Mixed Use Committee met which Taylor Walton was chosen as chair but I will report on it at council meetings. We discussed our mixed use overlay and what the goals and ideals for this specific use of a zone.
•Council Member Petty: Parks and Rec met with the train club this last week and had a great and positive meeting. An amended agreement will the train club will be forth coming soon.
•City Manager Dave Larsen: The street lights on Old Fort Road are up and running. Since the city owns and operates these lights (rather than Rocky Mountain Power) we can turn them on and off as needed to save money, so if you see some lights are out it is for that reason.
Thank you for tuning in! If you have any questions I am happy to answer them.
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Priority Parks Project List