Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Recap! Joint City Council & Planning Commission Meeting (General Plan discussion)

Once again, a huge thanks to Jeff Judkins for coming and doing a live stream of this meeting.  I know that being away for hours at a time every week is a sacrifice to your family - make sure to send out a thank you to him for doing so!

Tonight's meeting was a long one with lots to discuss.  You can hear the audio of it here and here and see the packet here.  The packet will include the maps we were looking at during the discussion as well and an updated section of the commentary of the general plan about the parks and rec that was also discussed can be found here.  

Lots of discussion happened at this meeting.  The minutes will be up probably next week and I would encourage all to look at it or check out the audio to get the full details of everything.

Up first was digging right into our new mixed use overlay.  There was a question about why do an overlay over a zone.  The answer to that was that an overlay allows for denial, a zone does not.  The developer will be bound to anything within the overlay which is mostly based on form-based code.  (Form-based code is more of using specific and determined styles, exteriors, heights etc. for a developer to design around to create the desired look of a development -- think Park City)).  

The overlay can only be applied to Commercial Highway zones that are over 5 acres of land -- and will only be applied through a rezone request to the PC and CC.  This limits the amount of this overlay to really take place in two parcels in our community - the property off South Weber Drive near Highmark and the property at the corner of 475 E and Old Fort Road.   Included in the code are specific setbacks and heights of buildings, outdoor signage, percentage of open space, landscaping requirements among other things.  Also included in the code was the requirement of a development agreement. 

Most of the concerns the discussion surrounded was the "no limit on the number of dwelling units' in a single building" and the height restrictions on buildings.   The restrictions on height depend on how far the unit sits from a public right of way (street or sidewalk).  The further away from the ROW, the higher the building could be, with a max of 50'.  Since these two properties are very different, there was a discussion on what could work on one property would not work as well on another. 

After much deliberation, it was decided that a committee of 2 Planning Commission officials as well as 2 city council members would meet with staff to reword the code to better satisfy our concerns.  Rob Osborne and Taylor Walton from the PC and myself and Wayne Winsor from the council were chosen to work with staff.  

The next item was to discuss the General Plan which started with reviewing all the maps included with the general plan.  Included in the packet are the new ideas for the roads north of SWD that was formally South Bench Drive as well as the 1900 connection to Layton.  Other maps that had some discussion was the sensitive lands map which formally included the OU's from contamination from HAFB.   After a discussion of why it was a removed and the question of if it was needed, staff was directed to include the OU's on the sensitive lands map.  

The last item of business was concerning the new section of our Parks and Rec on the text of the general plan.  It removed the requirement that was a suggestion from the Nat'l Parks & Rec Association that for every 1,000 people 25 acres of recreational lands was set aside, 10 of which would be developed parks.  The new text focuses on not creating more and new parks, but on maintaining current parks.  The concern that we aren't financially able to update and add to current parks was discussed.  The cons to this would be that we would not set aside another large developable park in our general plan (although retentions basins will continue to be required and could be used for park space) but the pros would be that it allows us to update and add to our current parks and will overall cost the city less to maintain.

Just a reminder that this draft of the general plan will go back out to the public for further review and most likely another survey.  After that feedback is given, the council and planning commission will again review it and make changes if necessary.

Phew!  As I said, there was so much to this meeting and a lot of deliberation.  Being a recap, it contains just the bare minimum of information and if you would like to better understand the situation I would suggest listening to the audio.  I hope that this is helpful for everyone!

Thanks again for all you staying involved and informed!!

#getinvolved #stayinvolved

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