Thursday, October 17, 2019

Q&A: SWCU Facebook Group & Me, Development and HDH, South Bench Drive and Others

I have loved how much public involvement there has been of late and how engaged South Weber citizens are.  I am glad to get many questions - it means people are doing their due diligence in learning more about the candidates before they vote.  I am happy to answer some questions that come up often.

1.  Are you the face of the South Weber United Facebook Group? Did they ask you to be a candidate?

The South Weber Citizen's United group was created in July by 4 concerned citizens who were worried about proposed development they learned was coming into their neighborhood.  I don't actually remember how I was added to the group but I remember learning for the first time about The Lofts project and the concerns with it.  I knew the general plan was underway, and having heard about the concerns that comes with mixed use in other communities, I started commenting and asking questions.  The SWCU grew exponentially over then next 6 weeks, going from under 30 when I joined to over 900 in 6 short weeks.   In that time period I became a frequent poster and began learning more and more about many happenings going on in the city.  I started attending all the meetings and telling others how it went.  

No one in the facebook group had ever talked to me about running for office.  I was toying with the idea of doing a write-in for a few days, but knowing how difficult it would be to not be on the ballot- and the extra work I would have to do to catch up and get my name out there, I wasn't sure about it.   One morning I woke up and realized that if I didn't do anything, I would regret it.  Simply put, I could not not try.  I went to city office that morning, took a deep breath, and filled out the paperwork.  

My plans were to not tell anyone until after the long weekend (Labor Day).  However word got out much quicker than I anticipated.  I told a few members of the group the following day, and more members of the group later that night.  It was news to all of them and I honestly didn't know if I would have their support or not.  Choosing to run for office was my decision alone and no one in the South Weber Citizen's United Group had anything to do with it in any form.

2.  Why are you a moderator of the SWCU Facebook group?
This decision came about when the number of the group climaxed very quickly.  At the time only one moderator was available and learned that it wasn't going to be possible to keep up on everything.  Because I was active on the page and often checking in, I was asked to be a moderator.  If I make it into office however, I will be removed as moderator and someone else will take my place. 

3. If you get into office, will you be the leader of the SWCU Facebook group?

I think this question comes because a lot of my initial support for office did come from this Facebook group.  However, the SWCU Facebook group is not a collective whole.  There are few, if any, things every single person agrees with in the group.  The SWCU is simply a place where citizens can come to get information about the doings and going ons of South Weber City and ask questions.  Currently it has 1,000 members.  You would be hard pressed to find something everyone agrees on in a group that big!  

It is a great asset in gaining the voice of people who were previously untapped - particularly that of younger families who because of family responsibilities and/or careers are not able to attend every meeting, but still want to be involve and included in public matters.  This has been a great thing for our city! We have unprecedented numbers and comments at our meetings in large part because of the Facebook group.  If I make it into office, I still plan to continue getting information to this Facebook group about things coming up in the city and reach out to as many citizens as possible.  My goal has always been to get correct and factual based information to the residents so they can make informed comments and suggestions back to city officials.  I plan to continue that avenue.  But it certainly won't be the only one.  I have met face to face many, many residents.  I have been invited into homes with groups of people to answer questions.  I have also met a great deal of residents at events the SWPCA has put on and hope to continue to reach out in that format.  It is also why I created this blog.  I understand a lot of people aren't on Facebook, and don't want to be.  I wanted them to have the ability to get the same information as well.  If I am elected, I hope to branch out the way we are currently reaching out to our residents so we can get more people involved and informed.  

4.  What is your stance on development within South Weber, especially high-density housing?

I understand we can't stop development, and we must always honor a property owner's right to develop their land if they wish.  But we also have a responsibility to take into consideration those of the neighbors and residents of that property that will be directly impacted by development.  We can be wise with our growth.  I personally don't feel we should add any more high-density zones to our general plan and have opposed every HDH zone on our proposed general plan.  While offering different types of housing and diversity is important, I feel we already have it.  We have townhomes, condos, apartments, and single family homes.  South Weber is a small town, and I want to keep it that way.  I believe moving forward we need to be very wise about the developments that will be coming into our city.  We need to seriously consider the impacts it will have on all aspects of our city, not just the parcel of land it sits on.  We need to consider the rising costs developments will have to our public safety, roads and utlities.  I would like to revisit our city codes, namely are units per acre in each zone, development agreements and conditional use permits and form based code.  We can do better to make sure we are attracting the type of development we want, vs. seeing what a developer will bring to us.  

5. What do you think about South Bench Drive? 

When I very first began studying our general plan in June and heard about a connection to Layton I like the idea of the convenience.  However, after hours upon hours upon hours of research, I have decided that convenience is a rotten apple, South Bench Drive being possibly the most rotten possible.  This road is intended to be a major corridor through our city.  The amount of traffic this will bring to our city is phenomenal, and it will not be local traffic only.   The more I learned about the proposed South Bench Drive, the more concerned I became.  I have worked tirelessly to get that information out to the citizens so everyone can be fully aware of the impact this road will have on our city.  

But what about other local road options to Layton?  I will be honest, currently I'm not convinced.  Every option we have of a connection, comes with serious risks and concerns; slope stability, contamination and costs just being a few.  Even connecting at 1900 E seems like the cost is too great.  It is a north facing road.  The plowing and snow removal of that road will fall to the property tax of the residents.  It is very steep.  Also a developer won't pay to do this road, so it will be on tax payers dime,  At this time, I haven't seen a good option where the concerns of this connection do not heavily outweigh the costs.

6. How can the city be more transparent? 

I think there are lots of avenues the city staff and elected officials can use that are currently not being utilized.  The city facebook, website, email list and the newsletter are just a few of these.  I would like to see live videos, a youtube channel, monthly or weekly checkins from city council members and mayor on a public site all used.  I praise the city for their recent efforts on this.  I would also like to see more citizens on committees to help offer suggestions and learn about processes and issues the public isn't usually aware of.  I think the time of expecting people to be involved solely by coming to the meetings has passed.vvIn an age where we have so many viable options of sharing information, we should be utilizing every avenue we can.  It is inexpensive and not terribly time consuming.  I think surveys and polls are great options, but only if the residents know they even exist.  We need to do better to communicate with the residents on every front we have available.

7.  Does it count if I write you in?  How accurate does it need to be?

Yes! Writing me in WILL count! I am the only offical and registered write-in candidate.  Because of that, it means any time your write anything in that line it will be compared to my name.  So as long as it is close and legible, it will count.  I have been asked if 'sassy blond chick' will work, and I'm not sure that one will - but maybe 'Hayley Alberts - the sassy blond chick' will.  :-)   

I am 3 months late to this race, and my name is not on the ballot.  Believe me, no one realizes this disadvantage more than me!  I hope my hard work thus far shows how willing and able I am to serve this city.  I feel I can bring a lot to the table and I feel I can help make sure our future vision of South Weber City is realized.  I am dedicated to it!  I have been a candidate for 42 days.  In that time I have done 45 posts, helped put on 3 events with the SWPCA - The Park-n-Protest, The Town Hall Style Meeting with Mayor Jo and The South Bench Drive Viewing Party.  I have attended every single Planning Commission Meeting and City Council Meeting since July and done recaps for citizens who weren't able to make it.  I have done many live videos, my most popular being the one who helped citizens fill out the general plan survey and have met with many people in their homes.   I have countless emails to the current city council, mayor and staff learning and understanding things better and many more from residents.  I love this city, and I want to protect it and serve it.  I would love your vote and your support.

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